Sports and social media

Sports and social media

The infographic below shows some interesting data and cases about social media influence in sports, mainly in the United States. To sum up, social media opens two new frontiers to sports: 1) New possibilities in interaction and engagement between athletes / clubs and...

What you need to know about Brazil

Last week Ativa Esporte launched its new blog about sports marketing in Brazil and the way brazilians think sports marketing. But you can´t truly understand anything about the brazilian context without figuring Brazil out: the country, the history and our unique...

10 sports marketing trends for 2012

Sports Marketing has always been connected to events, and that will never change. The spectacle, challenges, overcoming stories, victories and defeats happen in the field, court, track etc. These things hold people’s attention, and that is what makes sport...
Kick Off

Kick Off

Writing the first post for the Ativa Esporte (the company which I recently became partner[GG] of) blog is a difficult task. Should I write about how the company is cool? Who talks too much does too little. Should I write about sports marketing? All future posts will...