A lot of companies invest huge sums of money acquiring rights they don’t use, even though they are a powerful and complete tool, which may generate several opportunities within the mix (products launch, sales growth, relationship, endomarketing, etc.). The result is not as good as expected by the sponsor and, in extreme scenarios, there are no results at all, causing rejection to the tool. Of course this is not only the sponsors fault, but of everyone involved in the process (sponsees too, of course!), once the bigger the return each one achieves, the better the event, the bigger the audience, the better the future return, the better the event, the bigger the audience and so on.
This scenario motivated me to create this blog, whose objective is not to discuss the reasons that led to it, but to promote the best practices in the area, and thus be able to contribute somehow to increase sponsor companies’ return on investments in sports and, ultimately, increase sports’ chances of success.
This, of course, is an open space. Please, feel free to contribute. Always!
Thanks a lot and let’s go to the first post,