Rio 2016 – Big win, disappointing activations

I waited a while to write this post because I thought it was worth waiting to see what the companies had prepared or were preparing to celebrate the victory of Rio de Janeiro to host the 2016 Olympics.

But I must confess I am (very) disappointed. One hell of an opportunity for the partners of the Brazilian Olympic Committee (BOC), of the candidacy itself, and why not, the 2007 Pan American Games to boost brand image and sales.

However, nothing innovative or impacting has been seen. Olympikus, BOC partner since 1999, made an interesting promotion with opinion leaders, but with little effect, perhaps betting on a viralization that did not happen. Minutes after the announcement, the company sent these people a kit (image below) with products, a video and a certificate, dated the day before the announcement, confirming that the company “knew” that the victory would go to Rio.

The other partners (or not) of the events/institutions mentioned above limited themselves to common advertisements… Too little for such a win and much less when compared to the amazing video (below), created by Fernando Meirelles’ O2, and presented at the International Olympic Committee.

Without a doubt, the most creative manifestation in relation to the Brazilian victory was the “Yes, we créu”, which came near the top of the Twitter Trending Topics, of unknown/popular creation.

Mascots, wasted potential

This picture was taken earlier this year, at the Mascots Race, an event organized by the English Championship, Division 1 and Division 2. This event takes place annually and is part of a calendar to promote their social cause, which this year is prostate cancer. The...

Ativa Esporte at Wall Street Journal

We don´t like to write posts about ourserlves, but, in this case, it is worth sharing. Guilherme Guimarães, Ativa Esporte´s general manager, was interviewed by Wall Street Journal in a piece about the brazilian football moment. You can read it here.

Sports marketing is in the details

The NBA and Dream Team star Lebron James recently bought shares of the group which controls Liverpool, the English football team. Lebron has a contract with Nike, including a sneakers collection endorsed by him. A new model based on the team, with the same colours and...

When sports meets culture

Right after London 2012 closing ceremony Creative Review wrote a great post showing the best Olympic contributions to creativity in many fields, such as advertising, architecture, technology, design and even arts. We strongly recommend you to read it. Among all the...

#Socialympics 2

Many specialists do consider London 2012 as the first games from the "social era". In other words, London 2012 were the first games with a major influence from social media. If we think about Beijing 2008 the main social media platforms that we know today were not...

I want to see during the World Cup

"I want to see during the World Cup" is a brazilian meme that express how people feel about the lack of infra-structure, politics corruption and general distrust about World Cup 2014. For example, if there is a problem in a subway station or at the airport, someone...

Lessons from London 2012 for Rio 2016

Ativa Esporte has recently closed a partnership with Synergy, one of the most relevant sports marketing agencies in the world. During London 2012 we contributed to Synergy´s blog posting the view from Brazil of the Olympics. This is the third and last post,...

How Brands are Activating London 2012 in Brazil

Ativa Esporte has recently closed a partnership with Synergy, one of the most relevant sports marketing agencies in the world. During London 2012 we contributed to Synergy´s blog posting the view from Brazil of the Olympics. This is the second post,...

London 2012 – The View From Brazil

Ativa Esporte has recently made a partnership with Synergy, one of the most relevant sports marketing agencies in the United Kingdom and the world. During London 2012 we contributed to Synergy´s blog posting some thoughts about brazilian point of view. This is the...

Olympic geography

This infographic isn´t directly related to sports marketing, but it´s pure design and justifies the post by its originality. How didn’t anyone think about that before?